A piecewise linear function consisting of three parts is plotted in quadrant 1 of a coordinate plane. The x-axis is labeled Time in minutes, and the y-axis is labeled Distance in miles.

Interpret the key function of the graph for the domain interval 9<t<14 . What scenario can be represented by this portion of the piecewise function?

(1 point)

driving a car at a constant rate for five hours
driving a car at a constant rate for five hours

a runner resting for 5 minutes
a runner resting for 5 minutes

a cyclist taking a cool down ride at a slower constant pace
a cyclist taking a cool down ride at a slower constant pace

a runner sprinting at a constant rate starting at minute nine

The correct answer is:

a cyclist taking a cool down ride at a slower constant pace

The key function in the given domain interval represents a scenario where a cyclist is taking a cool down ride at a slower constant pace.