The cost of taking a cab is $4 plus $0.75 per mile. This can be represented using the linear function c=0.75m+4

, where c is the cost per trip and m is the distance in miles. Graph the equation on a coordinate plane. Based on your line, what would the corresponding dependent variable be if you were to travel 4.5 miles? Round your answer to the nearest hundredth.(1 point)

The corresponding dependent variable if you were to travel 4.5 miles can be found by substituting m = 4.5 into the equation c = 0.75m + 4:

c = 0.75(4.5) + 4
c = 3.375 + 4
c ≈ 7.38

Therefore, the corresponding dependent variable would be approximately $7.38 if you were to travel 4.5 miles.