Leaders at the Constitutional Convention of 1836 helped establish Texas’s independence from Mexico by(1 point)

what did texas claim as its southern border that was disputed by mexico

Texas claimed the Rio Grande as its southern border, while Mexico insisted that the Nueces River was the rightful boundary. This dispute over the southern border between Texas and Mexico led to tensions between the two nations and eventually led to the Mexican-American War.

To determine how the leaders at the Constitutional Convention of 1836 helped establish Texas's independence from Mexico, we can study the historical context and events that took place during that time.

1. Research the Constitutional Convention of 1836: Begin by researching the Constitutional Convention of 1836 in Texas. Understand the purpose, participants, and key decisions made during this convention.

2. Study the Texas Revolution: Gain an understanding of the Texas Revolution, which was the armed conflict between Texas settlers and the Mexican government. Investigate the causes and events leading up to the revolution, including the Battle of the Alamo and the Battle of San Jacinto.

3. Examine the Declaration of Independence: Review the Texas Declaration of Independence, which was adopted at the Constitutional Convention of 1836. Analyze the document and identify the grievances against Mexico, the reasons for seeking independence, and the principles outlined.

4. Assess the Formation of a Transitional Government: Explore the establishment of a provisional government and the election of leaders during the convention. Look into the roles played by delegates such as David G. Burnet, Lorenzo de Zavala, and Sam Houston.

5. Investigate the Effects of the Convention: Research the immediate and long-term effects of the Constitutional Convention. Examine how it shaped the path to Texas's independence from Mexico and influenced subsequent events such as the Texas annexation by the United States.

In conducting this research, you will find that the leaders at the Constitutional Convention of 1836 helped establish Texas's independence from Mexico by:

- Declaring and adopting the Texas Declaration of Independence, which formally severed ties with Mexico.
- Establishing a transitional government to guide Texas during its struggle for independence.
- Electing leaders who played essential roles in military campaigns, such as Sam Houston, who led the Texian army to victory at the Battle of San Jacinto.

By understanding the historical context and events surrounding the Constitutional Convention, you can gain insight into how the leaders contributed to Texas's quest for independence from Mexico.

drafting and adopting the Texas Declaration of Independence and forming a temporary government known as the ad interim government.