Contrary to _______’s vision of a perfect body, the author uses the example of _______ to show that _________

To fill in the blanks in your statement, we would need more information about the passage or context you are referring to. Without specific details, it is difficult to provide an accurate answer. Nonetheless, I can help you understand how to approach filling in the blanks for a statement like this based on the information you have:

1. Identify the context: Look for any preceding or following information that may provide hints about who or what is being discussed. This will help you understand the perspective or vision being referred to in the statement.

2. Consider the opposite perspective: The word "contrary" suggests that the author's viewpoint differs from someone else's. Think about different perspectives, people, or ideologies that hold visions of a perfect body.

3. Look for examples or references: Look for any specific examples or references in the passage that may help you fill in the blanks. The author's use of an example can provide clues about the intended meaning.

4. Analyze the author's purpose or argument: Consider the overall message or argument the author is trying to convey. This can help you determine the purpose of the example being discussed and how it relates to the contrasting vision of a perfect body.

By following these steps and utilizing critical reading skills, you can discern the most appropriate words to fill in the blanks, thus gaining a better understanding of the author's message or perspective.