How did the improvement of the telescope contribute to the modern model of the solar system? (1 point) Responses The improve telescope showed scientists that the solar system contained moons. The improve telescope showed scientists that the solar system contained moons. The improve telescope showed scientists that the solar system contained planets. The improve telescope showed scientists that the solar system contained planets. The improve telescope showed scientists that the solar system contained stars. The improve telescope showed scientists that the solar system contained stars. The improve telescope showed scientists that the solar system contained comets.

The improved telescope showed scientists that the solar system contained moons, planets, stars, and comets.

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The improved telescope showed scientists that the solar system contained planets.

The improvement of the telescope contributed to the modern model of the solar system by showing scientists that the solar system contained planets, moons, stars, and comets. By allowing scientists to observe celestial objects with greater clarity and detail, improved telescopes revealed the existence of previously unknown celestial bodies within our solar system.

To understand how the improvement of the telescope contributed to our knowledge of the solar system, scientists used various telescopic observations and measurements. For example, Galileo Galilei's observations in the early 17th century led to the discovery of four moons orbiting Jupiter. This challenged the prevailing belief at the time that everything in the universe revolved around the Earth. The discovery of these moons provided evidence that celestial bodies could orbit other objects, supporting the heliocentric model of the solar system proposed by Nicolaus Copernicus.

Additionally, telescopes enabled scientists to observe the phases of Venus, which further supported the heliocentric model. As they observed Venus go through a complete set of phases similar to the Moon, scientists realized that this could only be explained if Venus orbited the Sun.

Furthermore, the improved telescopes allowed for the observation of sunspots on the surface of the Sun. The study of sunspots provided evidence for the Sun's rotation, further supporting the heliocentric model.

In summary, the improvement of telescopes played a crucial role in advancing our understanding of the solar system by allowing scientists to directly observe and study celestial bodies within it. These observations challenged and eventually confirmed the heliocentric model, which places the Sun at the center of the solar system and revolutionized our understanding of the universe.