Q: What is the difference between an introduced and an invasive species?

A: An introduced species is not necessarily harmful to the environment; an invasive species has a negative effect.

Q: What is species richness?
A: the number of species in a community

Q: Due to climate change, places that used to be colder are now warming up, allowing new invasive species to establish themselves. What is one way that warming conditions are beneficial to invasive species?
A: If the location used to be too cold for non-native species, it is now warm enough to allow them to exist.

Q: The Cuban treefrog invaded Florida in the 1930s and has since spread throughout the southeastern U.S. It produces a “grating squawk” as a mating call. Their call drowns out the mating calls of native frogs, hindering their ability to find a mate. Some frogs, like the Green treefrog, changed their calls, but this also may reduce their ability to attract a mate if females do not learn to recognize the new call.
How does the Cuban tree frog cause a reduction in biodiversity.
A: It reduces biodiversity by reducing successful mating in native species.

Q: Humans built dams, dikes, and levees to control water flow and flooding in the Florida Everglades. This allowed us to expand urban and agricultural areas, but it also allowed invasive species to take over and destroy habitat for native species, as well as reducing native species ability to move to find resources and reproduce. Restoration efforts are under way to allow for natural water drainage and to treat the water.
Which size impact does this human-led destruction of habitat have?
A: Large because it has led to several significant changes, including new invasive species and loss of natives.
These are the correct answers as of (11/8/2023) for (Effects of Changing Conditions Quick Check)
I hope those who need it as always, enjoy your day/night y'all -Homework guy

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