Which statement best explains the central irony in the play "Seriously Funny Since 2018"?

A An aspiring stand-up comic must endure the criticisms of his peers before he can persuade
them to take him seriously and give him honest feedback on his comedy routine.
B Members of a comedy club all compete to be the funniest person in the room until they learn
that they can succeed only by cooperating and working together as a team.
ⒸA student is distracted from her work on an important research paper when a self-centered
boy who is constantly trying to impress others with his wit demands she help him come up
with a funny idea.
▸ Members of a comedy club seem burdened by the prospect of coming up with a single
humorous slogan until the member of the group who claims not to be funny finally suggests

A statement B is incorrect because cooperation and working together as a team is not mentioned as a central irony in the play "Seriously Funny Since 2018."

Statement C is also incorrect because it describes a situation unrelated to the play "Seriously Funny Since 2018."

The correct statement is A. In this statement, the central irony in the play is that the aspiring stand-up comic must endure criticism from his peers before they are willing to take him seriously and provide honest feedback on his comedy routine.