The area of a rectangle is given as 90cm^2 and the length is 3cm longer than its width. Find the length and the width of the rectangle

Let x be the width of the rectangle.

The length of the rectangle is x + 3 cm.
The area of the rectangle is length * width, so we have x(x + 3) = 90.
Expanding the equation, we get x^2 + 3x = 90.
Rearranging the equation, we get x^2 + 3x - 90 = 0.
Factoring the quadratic equation, we get (x + 10)(x - 9) = 0.
Setting each factor equal to zero, we get x = -10 and x = 9.
Since the width cannot be negative, the width of the rectangle is 9 cm.
The length of the rectangle is 9 cm + 3 cm = 12 cm.
Therefore, the length of the rectangle is 12 cm and the width is 9 cm.