Polygons 1's measurements, x-3,8,16

Polygons 2's measurements, 2.5, 2,4

The Polygons are similar, but not necessarily drawn to scale. Find the value of x

To determine the value of x, we can use the concept of corresponding sides of similar polygons.

Since the polygons are similar, we can set up a proportion using the corresponding sides:

(x-3) / 2.5 = 8 / 2

Cross-multiplying gives us:

2(8) = 2.5(x-3)

16 = 2.5x - 7.5

Adding 7.5 to both sides gives:

23.5 = 2.5x

Dividing both sides by 2.5 gives:

x = 23.5 / 2.5

x = 9.4

Therefore, the value of x is 9.4.