Factor 9Z +18 using the GCF

To factor 9Z + 18 using the greatest common factor (GCF), we need to find the highest common factor of the terms 9Z and 18.

The prime factors of 9Z are 3 * 3 * Z.
The prime factors of 18 are 2 * 3 * 3.

To find the GCF, we take the minimum exponent of each prime factor that appears in both terms:
- The Z term only appears in 9Z, so it has an exponent of 1.
- The prime factor 2 doesn't appear in either term, so its exponent is 0.
- The prime factor 3 appears in both terms and has an exponent of 1.

Therefore, the GCF of 9Z and 18 is 3.

To factor out the GCF, we divide each term by 3:
(9Z + 18)/3 = 3Z + 6.