Early colonial plantations in the Canary Islands and Americas used slave labor to grow(1 point)



black pepper.





The correct answer is sugar. Early colonial plantations in the Canary Islands and the Americas utilized slave labor to grow sugar, which was a highly profitable crop at the time.

The correct answer is sugar.

In order to confirm this, one can study the history of early colonial plantations in the Canary Islands and the Americas. These regions were important centers for the production of various crops during colonial times. To determine which crop plantation used slave labor, one needs to understand the historical context and the practices of that time period.

In the case of the Canary Islands and the Americas, the use of slave labor was prevalent in plantations growing crops like tobacco, black pepper, tea, and sugar. However, the most significant and profitable plantation crop that relied heavily on slave labor was sugar.

Sugar cane plantations require intensive labor for planting, harvesting, and processing the sugar cane into sugar. This labor-intensive process created a demand for a large workforce, leading plantation owners to import enslaved Africans as a source of cheap labor. The use of slave labor in sugar plantations was widespread in many parts of the Americas and the Canary Islands, contributing to the growth of the sugar industry in those regions.

Therefore, the correct answer is that early colonial plantations in the Canary Islands and the Americas used slave labor to grow sugar.

Early colonial plantations in the Canary Islands and Americas used slave labor to grow(1 point)



black pepper.



what is the correct answer