What was an achievement which helped contribute to the downfall of the Zhou?

Introduction of coins
Iron metalworking

An achievement that helped contribute to the downfall of the Zhou dynasty was the introduction of coins. The use of coins as a medium of exchange revolutionized commerce and economic transactions during that time. However, to understand how this achievement contributed to the downfall of the Zhou, we need to delve into the historical context.

To answer this question, we'll break down the three other options and explain their relevance to the Zhou dynasty's downfall:

1. Iron metalworking: While the introduction of iron metalworking was indeed a remarkable technological advancement during the Zhou dynasty, it actually helped strengthen the Zhou state rather than contribute to its downfall. The proficiency in iron metalworking allowed the Zhou rulers to equip their armies with better weapons, solidifying their control and authority.

2. Confucianism: Confucianism was an influential philosophy developed during the later years of the Zhou dynasty. While initially promoting political order and stability through its ethical teachings, Confucianism on its own did not directly contribute to the downfall of the Zhou. In fact, Confucian principles aimed to rectify the social and political problems that had emerged at that time.

3. Wheelbarrow: The invention of the wheelbarrow, while significant for agriculture and transportation, did not directly contribute to the downfall of the Zhou dynasty. The use of wheelbarrows increased productivity in farming and construction activities, but it was not a political or social factor leading to the dynasty's downfall.

Now, returning to the original option:

Coins played a vital role in facilitating trade and commerce during the Zhou dynasty. They replaced earlier forms of bartering and commodity exchange as a more efficient means of conducting business. However, the introduction of coins also led to increased economic disparity and social unrest.

During the later years of the Zhou dynasty, the centralized authority began to weaken, leading to the fragmentation of the realm into smaller states known as the Warring States period. As wealth accumulated in the hands of a few powerful individuals, these individuals gained more control over resources and eventually became powerful warlords who challenged the authority of the Zhou rulers.

Moreover, the increased availability of coins and the accumulation of wealth led to an economic shift that further widened the gap between the rich and the poor. This economic disparity, combined with social unrest and widespread corruption, ultimately contributed to the downfall of the Zhou dynasty.

In conclusion, the introduction of coins played a significant role in the downfall of the Zhou dynasty by contributing to the economic disparity and social unrest that weakened the central government's authority.