As World War II came to a close, the Allied nations were concerned that the

regime be held to account for its
in Europe and, especially, its crimes against

To find the answer to your question, we first need to understand what regime and what crimes you are referring to. In this case, the regime being referred to is most likely the Nazi regime led by Adolf Hitler, and the crimes being referred to are the atrocities committed during World War II, particularly against the Jewish population, known as the Holocaust.

To get more information about the concern of the Allied nations in holding the regime accountable for its crimes, we can look into historical accounts, books, articles, or reliable online sources that document the events and aftermath of World War II.

Some key points to consider are:

1. The Nuremberg Trials: After the war, an international military tribunal known as the Nuremberg Trials was established to prosecute and try top Nazi officials for their involvement in war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide. This was a significant step towards holding the regime accountable and ensuring justice.

2. Establishment of the United Nations: The end of World War II led to the creation of the United Nations in 1945. The UN Charter emphasized the importance of respect for human rights and the prevention of genocide, crimes against humanity, and war crimes.

3. War crimes investigations: Allied nations conducted investigations to document and gather evidence of the crimes committed by the Nazi regime. These investigations helped build cases against individuals and identified the extent of the atrocities.

4. Holocaust survivors' testimonies: The testimonies of Holocaust survivors became crucial in shedding light on the crimes committed by the regime. Their accounts served as evidence and helped provide a comprehensive understanding of the events.

By studying these historical events and gaining insight from reliable sources, we can understand the concerns of the Allied nations in holding the Nazi regime accountable for its crimes and ensuring justice for the victims.