Which of the following is an example of a physical change?(1 point) Responses boiling an egg boiling an egg dissolving sugar in water dissolving sugar in water burning a match burning a match cooking a hamburger

To determine which of the given options is an example of a physical change, we need to understand what a physical change is.

A physical change refers to a change in matter that does not involve any alteration in the chemical composition of the substance. In other words, the substances involved in a physical change do not undergo any chemical reactions and retain their original properties.

Now, let's analyze each option provided:

1. Boiling an egg: This is an example of a chemical change rather than a physical change. When an egg is boiled, the proteins present in the egg undergo denaturation, leading to a change in their chemical composition.

2. Dissolving sugar in water: This is considered a physical change. Dissolving sugar in water is a process where sugar particles disperse uniformly in water, forming a solution. Although the sugar particles are no longer visible to the naked eye, the sugar molecules themselves remain unchanged.

3. Burning a match: Burning a match is an example of a chemical change. When a match is ignited, the chemicals within the match head undergo combustion, leading to the formation of new substances such as ash and gases.

4. Cooking a hamburger: Cooking a hamburger involves various processes such as heat transfer, protein denaturation, and fat rendering. These processes cause chemical changes in the meat, making it an example of a chemical change rather than a physical change.

From the options given, dissolving sugar in water is the only example of a physical change.