1. Please list an example of a physical change and an example of a chemical change.


Example of a physical change: Melting ice into water:
To observe this physical change, you can start with a block of ice and apply heat to it. As the ice absorbs heat, it undergoes a physical change and transforms into water. The ice molecules rearrange themselves and bond less tightly, but no new substances are formed during this process. The water can be reverted back to ice by cooling it down.

Example of a chemical change: Rusting of iron:
To demonstrate this chemical change, you can expose iron to oxygen and moisture for a long period of time. Over time, the iron undergoes a chemical reaction with the oxygen and moisture in the air, forming a new substance known as iron oxide (rust). This process is irreversible, as the iron cannot be restored to its original state without significant effort.

It is important to note that these examples are just two among numerous physical and chemical changes that can occur.