AATIKAH plan to buy books at the book fair she thinks she only $30 to purchase the books she only spends 1995 find the percentage error in her prediction

To calculate the percentage error in Aatikah's prediction, we need to compare her predicted amount ($30) with the actual amount she spent ($19.95) and calculate the difference.

Step 1: Find the absolute difference between the predicted amount and the actual amount:
Absolute Difference = Actual Amount - Predicted Amount
Absolute Difference = $19.95 - $30
Absolute Difference = -$10.05

Step 2: Calculate the percentage error:
Percentage Error = (Absolute Difference / Predicted Amount) * 100
Percentage Error = (-$10.05 / $30) * 100

Finally, we can calculate the percentage error:

Percentage Error = (-10.05 / 30) * 100
Percentage Error ≈ -33.5%

Therefore, Aatikah's prediction has a percentage error of approximately -33.5%.