Describe how issue networks are different from the iron triangle.(1 point)


Issue networks are long-term and often focus on more than one topic. They are composed of numerous individuals and groups.
Issue networks are long-term and often focus on more than one topic. They are composed of numerous individuals and groups.

Issue networks are long-term and focus on more than one topic. They are composed of numerous individuals and groups.
Issue networks are long-term and focus on more than one topic. They are composed of numerous individuals and groups.

Issue networks are short-term and focus on a specific topic. They are generally composed of interest groups and politicians.
Issue networks are short-term and focus on a specific topic. They are generally composed of interest groups and politicians.

Issue networks are short-term and focus on a specific topic. They are composed of numerous individuals and groups.

Issue networks are long-term and often focus on more than one topic. They are composed of numerous individuals and groups.