Which of the following correctly used the Product Rule of Exponents to simplify the expression 1008⋅1007 ?(1 point)


100 superscript 56 baseline

10,000 superscript 15 baseline

200 superscript 15 baseline

100 superscript 15 baseline

To simplify the expression 1008⋅1007 using the Product Rule of Exponents, we need to add the exponents of the same base. In this case, the base is 10.

The Product Rule states that when multiplying two exponents with the same base, you add the exponents. So, in this case, we add the exponents 8 and 7:

1008⋅1007 = 10^8⋅10^7

Adding the exponents:

10^8+7 = 10^15

Therefore, the correct answer is 10^15, or "10,00015" in the provided options.