We had temporary problems searching for web pages. Search again for A Bigfoot by Any Other Name . . . by Kelly Milner Halls 1 Bigfoot. Sasquatch. Yeti. Yeren. Yowie. The names and the details may differ from place to place, but from North America to China to New Zealand, one thing is certain: Something is out there. Chocolate brown or white as snow, these hair-covered, upright-standing creatures have been talked about for more than six hundred years. And whether we read about the ancient legends or the modern-day sightings, the stories make us wonder. Bigfoot = Sasquatch 2 Bigfoot is a creature of many names. According to naturalist Dr. Robert Michael Pyle, Native American legends call it by several exotic names, including Sasquatch, Sokqueatl, or Sesquac (from a language spoken by several tribes of Pacific Northwestern Native Americans). No matter how it’s pronounced, the name means “wild man.” 3 That certainly describes the creature Roger Patterson and Bob Gimlin claimed they saw wandering along the rural Northern California timberline in October 1967. The creature was enormous—at least seven feet tall—and walked upright like a man. But it wasn’t a man. In fact, it was like nothing the outdoorsmen had seen before. 4 Patterson carefully reached into his saddlebag and pulled out his 16-millimeter movie camera to capture the moment on film. And for decades, Bigfoot believers have been thankful he did. 5 Was Sasquatch the last thing Patterson expected to see along Bluff Creek as he let his horse rest and sip cool water? Not necessar or type a new query above.More than 200 pounds of plaster was used to make the Skookum Cast, which is 3½ feet wide and 5 feet tall. Measurements of the imprints indicated that whatever creature made this impression was 40 to 50 percent larger than a 6-foot-tall human being. When the cast was cleaned, hair samples were extracted. All of them turned out to belong to deer, elk, coyote, and bear—all but one. One hair had unique primate (ape) characteristics. Dr. Henner Fahrenback, a biomedical research scientist from Beaverton, Oregon, has labeled it “Sasquatch.”

How do lines 1 through 5 of paragraph 1 help to develop a key concept of the article?(1 point) Responses It emphasizes that many different creatures have been confused with Bigfoot. It emphasizes that many different creatures have been confused with Bigfoot. It illustrates that people all over the world have believed Bigfoot exists. It illustrates that people all over the world have believed Bigfoot exists. It shows that Bigfoot has traveled all over the world. It shows that Bigfoot has traveled all over the world. It confirms that Bigfoot has remained unidentified.