Short-term effects of smoking include (select all that apply) (1 point) Responses

1.bad breath.
2.yellow teeth
3.feeling tired

To determine the short-term effects of smoking, let's assess each option:

1. Bad breath: Smoking can lead to bad breath because the chemicals in cigarettes can linger in your mouth and lungs, producing an unpleasant odor. This can be observed by smelling one's breath after smoking.

2. Yellow teeth: Smoking can cause teeth discoloration due to the tar and nicotine present in cigarettes. This effect can be observed by comparing the color of a smoker's teeth to that of a non-smoker.

3. Feeling tired: While smoking can initially elevate one's energy levels due to the nicotine's stimulating effects, it can ultimately lead to tiredness. Smoking restricts blood vessels, reducing oxygen flow in the body, which can result in fatigue and diminished energy levels. This can be experienced by smokers who feel tired after smoking for an extended period.

4. Cancer: While smoking is strongly associated with various types of cancer, such as lung, throat, and mouth cancer, these conditions are typically considered long-term effects of smoking. Therefore, cancer is not considered a short-term effect of smoking.

Based on these explanations, the correct options for the short-term effects of smoking are: 1. Bad breath, 2. Yellow teeth, and 3. Feeling tired.