In the number 7 + 3i, what type of number is 7?(1 point)





The number 7 is a real number.

To determine the type of number 7 in the expression 7 + 3i, we need to understand the different classifications of numbers.

First, let's define what each type means:

1. Real numbers: These are numbers that can be found on the number line, including all rational and irrational numbers. Real numbers do not involve the imaginary unit "i." Examples of real numbers include 0, 1, -2, π, and √2.

2. Imaginary numbers: These are numbers that involve the imaginary unit "i," which is defined as the square root of -1. Imaginary numbers are written in the form bi, where b is any real number and i represents the imaginary unit. Examples of imaginary numbers include 3i, -5i, and 2i/3.

Now, looking at the expression 7 + 3i, we can see that the number 7 does not involve the imaginary unit "i." Therefore, it is considered a real number.

So, the correct answer is: real