SECTION C (20 Marks)

Question 3
Assume you are the CEO of a company that employs a large number of industrial workers who are below graduate level and who possess technical job-specific skills. Your organisation is highly technology driven and requires everyone to perform well, keeping pace with the machine cycle time. Any below the standard performer can create a total mess in the assembly line production system, as the job remains in each work station for specific period of time. On the expiry of time schedule, job reaches to next workstation, even if it’s not fully completed in the earlier workstation. In the assembly line production system, we cannot back track a job as a result when the job travels through different work stations with incomplete workmanship, the end product fails to conforms to the requires quality and is rejected.

3.2 There are various approaches to measuring performance in an organisation. However not all the approaches are applicable to all companies. In your view, which review process deem fit for your organisation and why? (10)

To determine which review process is deemed fit for your organization, you need to consider the specific characteristics and requirements of your workforce and your organization's goals.

Here are some steps to help you choose an appropriate review process:

1. Assess the nature of your workforce: Since your organization employs a large number of industrial workers below graduate level with technical job-specific skills, you need to consider a performance review process that aligns with their skill set. Look for processes that focus on their technical competencies and job-specific skills rather than academic qualifications.

2. Consider the technology-driven nature of your organization: As your organization is highly technology-driven, it is crucial to select a performance review process that aligns with this aspect. Look for processes that evaluate how well employees are adapting to and utilizing technology in their roles. This could include measuring their ability to keep pace with the machine cycle time or their proficiency in using specific technology tools.

3. Assess the significance of quality control: Since any below-standard performer can create a mess in the assembly line production system, it is important to choose a review process that focuses on quality control. Consider processes that evaluate an employee's ability to meet quality standards, adhere to work schedules, and produce error-free work. This could include metrics such as defect rates, rework rates, or adherence to production schedules.

4. Evaluate the need for continuous improvement: Given the nature of your organization, where incomplete workmanship can result in rejected end products, it is vital to prioritize continuous improvement. Look for review processes that encourage employee development and growth, such as providing feedback and coaching to enhance skills and address performance gaps. Processes that include regular performance discussions and goal setting can help drive continuous improvement.

5. Consider employee engagement and motivation: Choose a review process that fosters employee engagement and motivation. Look for processes that provide opportunities for employees to provide input, seek clarification on expectations, and be recognized for their achievements. This could include annual performance reviews, self-assessments, or 360-degree feedback.

6. Seek feedback and input from employees: Involve your employees in the decision-making process by seeking their feedback and input on the most suitable review process. This will not only ensure that the chosen process is well-aligned with their needs but also increase their ownership and commitment to the process.

Based on the considerations above, a potential review process that could be deemed fit for your organization is a combination of continuous feedback and performance discussions, complemented by periodic formal performance reviews. This approach allows for ongoing communication and guidance to address any performance concerns, while also providing a structured evaluation and goal-setting platform.