A mutation that causes abnormal cell division can result in (1 point)


cystic fibrosis.
cystic fibrosis.
skin cancer.
skin cancer.
clogged arteries.
clogged arteries.
sickle cell anemia.

The mutation that causes abnormal cell division can result in various health conditions, including cystic fibrosis, skin cancer, clogged arteries, and sickle cell anemia. However, since the options are repeated multiple times, it is difficult to determine the correct answer. To find the accurate answer, we can eliminate the duplicated options and focus on the unique ones.

By eliminating the repeated options, we are left with:
1. cystic fibrosis
2. skin cancer
3. clogged arteries
4. sickle cell anemia

To determine which of these conditions is directly caused by abnormal cell division, we can examine the characteristics of each condition.

Cystic fibrosis is a genetic disorder that affects the production and function of mucus, sweat, and digestive juices. It is caused by a mutation in the CFTR gene, which results in abnormal chloride ion channels. While cystic fibrosis involves an abnormality in the cells, it is not primarily characterized by abnormal cell division.

Skin cancer, on the other hand, is a condition where abnormal skin cells divide uncontrollably and form tumors. This uncontrolled cell division is indeed a result of a mutation in the DNA caused by factors such as UV radiation exposure or genetic predisposition. Thus, skin cancer is directly linked to abnormal cell division.

Clogged arteries, or atherosclerosis, is a condition where plaque buildup narrows the arteries. This condition is primarily caused by a combination of factors such as high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and inflammation. While abnormal cell division may play a role in the underlying inflammation process, it is not the primary cause of clogged arteries.

Sickle cell anemia is a genetic disorder that affects the shape of red blood cells. It results from a mutation in the HBB gene, which affects the production of hemoglobin. However, sickle cell anemia is primarily characterized by the abnormal shape of red blood cells rather than abnormal cell division itself.

Therefore, based on the given options and the analysis provided, skin cancer is the condition that is directly caused by abnormal cell division.