One molecule of bromide and two molecules of potassium chloride combine in a?reaction. How many atoms are in the products


The reaction involves one molecule of bromide (Br-) and two molecules of potassium chloride (KCl).

When one molecule of bromide combines with two molecules of potassium chloride, the products formed are two molecules of potassium bromide (KBr) and two molecules of potassium chloride (KCl).

In each molecule of potassium bromide, there is one potassium atom (K) and one bromine atom (Br), so for two molecules, there would be a total of two potassium atoms and two bromine atoms.

In each molecule of potassium chloride, there is one potassium atom (K) and one chlorine atom (Cl), so for two molecules, there would be a total of two potassium atoms and two chlorine atoms.

Adding up the atoms in the two products, we have:
2 potassium atoms + 2 bromine atoms + 2 potassium atoms + 2 chlorine atoms = 8 atoms.

Therefore, the correct answer is: Four atoms.