The vehicle's fuel efficiency is more than 45 miles per gallon.

Use f to represent the vehicle's fuel efficiency (in miles per gallon).

The distance to the nearest exit door is no more than 200 feet.
Use d to represent the distance (in feet) to the nearest exit door.

f > 45 miles per gallon

d ≤ 200 feet

Lena exercises at least 35 minutes per day.

Use t to represent Lena's amount of exercise (in minutes per day).

To ride a roller coaster, a visitor must not be less than 58 inches tall.
Use h to represent the height (in inches) of a visitor able to ride.

t ≥ 35 minutes per day

h ≥ 58 inches

To represent the vehicle's fuel efficiency in miles per gallon, we can use the variable f. So, f > 45 represents the statement "The vehicle's fuel efficiency is more than 45 miles per gallon."

Similarly, to represent the distance to the nearest exit door in feet, we can use the variable d. So, d ≤ 200 represents the statement "The distance to the nearest exit door is no more than 200 feet."