What led to the increase in steel consumption seen on the graph?

(1 point)

Fossil fuels that became popular depends on steel production.
Fossil fuels that became popular depends on steel production.

More building construction is needed to provide for the needs of people.
More building construction is needed to provide for the needs of people.

More people started mining steel that are sold outside of the country.
More people started mining steel that are sold outside of the country.

Steel consumption increased when more people started to use computers.

More building construction is needed to provide for the needs of people.

Which can be excluded from the list of environmental impacts of mining?(1 point)


harmful gases are released
harmful gases are released

water is polluted
water is polluted

sea level is rising
sea level is rising

habitats are destroyed

Sea level is rising.

Which energy source releases the most carbon dioxide?(1 point)







What happens to infrared radiation released by the Earth if there is an increased level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere?(1 point)


It is converted to solar energy.
It is converted to solar energy.

It is converted to carbon dioxide.
It is converted to carbon dioxide.

It is absorbed and heats the atmosphere.
It is absorbed and heats the atmosphere.

It escapes and cools the atmosphere.
It escapes and cools the atmosphere.

It is absorbed and heats the atmosphere.

With such huge increases in population, why has there not been a direct and equivalent increase in urban development (i.e., why is it such a small proportion of habitable land use)?(1 point)


Many people can live in small spaces, such as high rises in cities.
Many people can live in small spaces, such as high rises in cities.

There is not enough habitable land left for further urban development.
There is not enough habitable land left for further urban development.

Habitable land is already being used for livestock and crops.
Habitable land is already being used for livestock and crops.

People want to live close to where they work, which is usually the city or suburbs.

Many people can live in small spaces, such as high rises in cities.

People want to live close to where they work, which is usually the city or suburbs.

In almost all chains of consequences, what happens over time as the consequences unfold?(1 point)


Consequences spread through the area like a ripple effect, starting in the center and radiating outward.
Consequences spread through the area like a ripple effect, starting in the center and radiating outward.

Consequences travel from one type of habitat to another, until multiple habitats are affected.
Consequences travel from one type of habitat to another, until multiple habitats are affected.

Consequences increase in size and scale and become longer lasting.
Consequences increase in size and scale and become longer lasting.

Consequences decrease in size and scale and become short term.
Consequences decrease in size and scale and become short term.