Read this passage:

Mom, I know I broke the rules and you took my phone away, but I can't survive without it. My friends are upset that I am not texting them back. I am not able to check my websites. I am so bored without my music and games. I apologize for what I did.

What is the main idea of the passage?

B. I know I broke the rules.

C. I apologize for what I did.

D. i want my phone back.

E. i am so bored.

To identify the main idea of the passage, we need to understand the overall message or purpose that the author is trying to convey. In this case, the main idea of the passage is expressed in the sentence "I know I broke the rules and you took my phone away, but I can't survive without it." This sentence suggests that the main idea of the passage is that the author acknowledges breaking the rules and expresses their dependency on their phone.

Therefore, the correct answer is A. "I know I broke the rules."