In weight lifting, averaging 3 sets of _________ reps are suggested to be effective in building muscular endurance. (1 point) Responses 8-10 8-10 10-12 10-12 12-15 12-15 at least 15

To answer this question, we need to understand the recommended sets and reps for building muscular endurance.

Muscular endurance is the ability of a muscle or a group of muscles to repeatedly exert force over an extended period. It is typically targeted by performing a higher number of repetitions with a lower amount of weight.

The options provided in the question include ranges of reps for weightlifting sets. The answer that corresponds to the recommended approach for building muscular endurance is 12-15 reps.

To reach this conclusion, we can eliminate the options that do not fall within the suggested range. First, let's examine the options:

- 8-10 reps (appears twice) - This range is typically associated with building muscle size and strength, not necessarily muscular endurance.
- 10-12 reps (appears twice) - This range can be useful for both building muscle size and muscular endurance. While it is a valid option, the range of 12-15 reps is commonly recommended for muscular endurance specifically.
- at least 15 reps - This response suggests performing a minimum of 15 reps, which can also be effective for muscular endurance but does not provide a range.

After analyzing the options, we can determine that the answer "12-15" reps is the most appropriate response for building muscular endurance in weightlifting.