how could you change this line to be a better line of best fit for the data plot? (1 point) Responses Keep it parallel and move it down so that the points are equal above and below the line. Keep it parallel and move it down so that the points are equal above and below the line. Make it steeper to hit the most points possible. Make it steeper to hit the most points possible. Keep it parallel and move it up through the center of the data. Keep it parallel and move it up through the center of the data. Make it a negative sloped line to better show the trend in the data. Make it a negative sloped line to better show the trend in the data. Make it less steep to hit at least one of the data points.

The best way to change the line of best fit for the data plot would be to keep it parallel and move it up through the center of the data. This allows for an equal number of points above and below the line, providing a better representation of the overall trend in the data.

Bibliographic Information Quick Check 2 of 52 of 5 Items Question Which items should be included in bibliographic information? Select the two correct answers.(1 point) Responses quotes from the source quotes from the source similar topics similar topics author author key words key words date of publication date of publication

The two correct answers for including in bibliographic information are:

1. Author
2. Date of publication

To determine how to change the line to be a better fit for the data plot, you need to consider the following options:

1. Keep it parallel and move it down so that the points are equal above and below the line: This option suggests adjusting the y-intercept of the line to shift it vertically. Moving it down will make the line closer to the points above and below it.

2. Make it steeper to hit the most points possible: This option implies increasing the slope of the line to better align with the data points. A steeper line may pass through more points, capturing the trend of the data more accurately.

3. Keep it parallel and move it up through the center of the data: This choice involves adjusting the y-intercept to shift the line vertically. Moving it up through the center of the data means the line would pass near the middle of the points.

4. Make it a negative sloped line to better show the trend in the data: If the data suggests a decreasing trend, changing the line to have a negative slope would align with the overall pattern.

5. Make it less steep to hit at least one of the data points: This option suggests decreasing the slope of the line to make it less steep. This adjustment would bring the line closer to at least one of the data points.

To determine which option would make the line a better fit, you should evaluate the data points and consider which adjustment best aligns with the trend and pattern of the data. In some cases, a combination of these adjustments may be necessary.