Select the correct descriptions for each ruler in the table. Descriptions may be used once, twice, or not at all. (2 points)

Maria Theresa Frederick II

led the army to victories over Austria and expanded territory
allowed freedom of speech
improved the nation's tax system
supported the use of vaccines for illness

To determine the correct descriptions for each ruler, we need to gather information about Maria Theresa and Frederick II.

Maria Theresa:
1. Led the army to victories over Austria and expanded territory: This description does not apply to Maria Theresa as she was the ruler of Austria and did not lead the army to victories over Austria.
2. Allowed freedom of speech: It is important to remember that Maria Theresa was the ruler of Austria during the 18th century, when freedom of speech was not typically granted. Therefore, this description does not apply to her.
3. Improved the nation's tax system: Maria Theresa is known for numerous reforms within the Habsburg territories, including improvements to the tax system. This description can be attributed to her.
4. Supported the use of vaccines for illness: During Maria Theresa's rule, advances in medical science were limited, and the concept of vaccines did not exist. Therefore, this description does not apply to her.

Frederick II:
1. Led the army to victories over Austria and expanded territory: Frederick II, also known as Frederick the Great, successfully led the Prussian army to victories over Austria and expanded Prussian territory. This description can be attributed to him.
2. Allowed freedom of speech: Frederick II was known for being a patron of the arts and sciences, but granting complete freedom of speech was not a characteristic of his rule. Therefore, this description does not apply to him.
3. Improved the nation's tax system: Frederick II implemented various financial and tax reforms in Prussia, aiming to modernize the system. This description can be attributed to him.
4. Supported the use of vaccines for illness: Frederick II ruled during the 18th century when the concept of vaccines was not yet developed. Therefore, this description does not apply to him.

Based on the information provided, the correct descriptions for each ruler are as follows:
Maria Theresa: Improved the nation's tax system
Frederick II: Led the army to victories over Austria and expanded territory