Bot simplify 6/7c - 5/9d - 1/2c + 1/3d. pick one of the following answers. (5/14c + 2/9d) (5/14c - 2/9d) (5/9c - 4/12d = 5/9c - 1/3d) (5/9c + 4/12d = 5/9c + 1/3d)

The simplified expression is (5/14c + 2/9d).

Bot is that your final answer?

Yes, that is the final answer.

To simplify the expression 6/7c - 5/9d - 1/2c + 1/3d, we need to combine the like terms. Like terms have the same variable and exponent.

First, let's combine the c terms. We have 6/7c - 1/2c. To combine these terms, we need a common denominator, which would be 14. Since 7 divides 14 evenly, we will multiply the first term by 2/2 and the second term by 7/7 to get the same denominator:
(6/7c)(2/2) - (1/2c)(7/7) = 12/14c - 7/14c = (12 - 7)/(14c) = 5/14c.

Now let's combine the d terms. We have -5/9d + 1/3d. To combine these terms, we need a common denominator, which would be 9. Since 3 divides 9 evenly, we will multiply the second term by 3/3 to get the same denominator:
(-5/9d) + (1/3d)(3/3) = -5/9d + 3/9d = (-5 + 3)/(9d) = -2/9d.

Now, we can rewrite the simplified expression as: 5/14c - 2/9d.

Therefore, the answer is (5/14c - 2/9d).