In the city map below 3/4 inch on the map represents 1/2 mile what is the unit rate blank inches per mile

To find the unit rate in inches per mile, we can use the information given in the problem:

3/4 inch on the map represents 1/2 mile

To find the unit rate, we need to divide the representation on the map by the actual distance:

(3/4 inch) รท (1/2 mile)

To divide fractions, we can multiply by the reciprocal of the second fraction:

(3/4 inch) * (2 mile/1)

Simplifying this expression, we get:

= (3/4 * 2) inch/mile
= 6/4 inch/mile
= 3/2 inch/mile

Therefore, the unit rate is 3/2 inch/mile.