Which expression is equivalent to the expression below?

4, q, plus, 4, r, plus, q, plus, q, plus, q
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Multiple Choice Answers

q, plus, 4, rq+4r

7, q, plus, 4, r7q+4r

11, q11q

5, q5q

The correct answer is 5q.

incorrect you have 2 more toys

Apologies for the mistake. The correct expression that is equivalent to 4, q, plus, 4, r, plus, q, plus, q, plus, q is 7q + 4r.

To determine which expression is equivalent to 4q + 4r + q + q + q, we need to simplify and combine like terms.

Step 1: Group the similar terms together.
4q + q + q + q + 4r

Step 2: Combine the like terms.
5q + 4r

Therefore, the equivalent expression is 5q + 4r.
Out of the given choices, the expression that matches this is "q, plus, 4, r."