How did Emperor Asoka's achievements reflect the ideals of Buddhism?

(4 points)

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Emperor Asoka's achievements reflected the ideals of Buddhism as he embraced non-violence and promoted peace, which were core teachings of Buddhism. He also established hospitals, built wells and rest-houses along roads, and spread Buddhism throughout his empire, showing compassion and a commitment to the welfare of others, both central principles of Buddhism.


Emperor Asoka's achievements in promoting peace, non-violence, and welfare reflected the ideals of Buddhism by embodying compassion and the well-being of others.

1 more short sentences

Emperor Asoka's achievements exemplified the Buddhist ideals of peace, non-violence, compassion, and the welfare of others.


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What information about ancient India have scholars learned from the Vedas? Do you think the Vedas are a reliable source of information? Why or why not?

Scholars have learned valuable information about ancient India from the Vedas, such as religious rituals, social structure, and the early Vedic language. However, the reliability of the Vedas as a historical source is debated. While they provide insights into ancient Indian culture and beliefs, they are primarily religious texts and may contain biases, myths, and poetic exaggerations that could impact their historical accuracy.
