What were a group of radical thinkers and writers in France in the eighteenth century, including Voltaire and Jean-Jacques Rousseau called?





The correct answer is: Philosophes

What were a group of radical thinkers and writers in France in the eighteenth century, including Voltaire and Jean-Jacques Rousseau called?





The correct answer is: Philosophes


What is identification with one's own nation and support for its interests called?





The correct answer is: Nationalism

The correct answer is "Philosophes." In order to arrive at this answer, one can use the process of elimination by ruling out the other options. Let's break down the different choices:

1. "Motorists" does not relate to the question at hand and can be eliminated.

2. "Monarchist" refers to a supporter of a monarch or monarchy, and while there were certainly some writers and thinkers in the eighteenth century who supported monarchy, this term does not specifically describe the group that includes Voltaire and Rousseau.

3. "Treason" is the act of betraying one's country or sovereign, and it is not relevant to the question or the group of thinkers mentioned.

Hence, we are left with the term "Philosophes." To further confirm this answer, it is useful to have some prior knowledge or understanding of the Enlightenment period in Europe. During this time, a intellectual movement known as the Enlightenment emerged, which emphasized reason, logic, and critical thinking. The group of radical thinkers and writers in France during this period, including Voltaire and Jean-Jacques Rousseau, were known as philosophes.