8. In Utah’s Arches National Park we can see many interesting shapes like this one. Many different things helped to shape this arch: earthquakes, rivers, freezing water, and wind. Only one of these made the surface of the arch smooth and rounded. That was

1 point
Captionless Image
strong winds.
water freezing in the cracks.
a river running through the rocks.

1. water freezing in the cracks.

9. Which is the most correct order of the theorized evolution of life on Earth?

1 point
Single-celled organisms produced methane, cyanobacteria produced oxygen, multi-cellular organisms began to form, fish, amphibians, reptiles and then mammals
Cyanobacteria produced oxygen, Single-celled organisms produced methane, multi-cellular organisms began to form, fish, amphibians, reptiles and then mammals
Mammals formed, then fish, then reptiles, amphibians, multi-cellular organisms, cyanobacteria and then single-celled organisms produced methane
Multi-cellular organisms, then fish, amphibians, reptiles, mammals, single-celled organisms produced greenhouse gases

Cyanobacteria produced oxygen, Single-celled organisms produced methane, multi-cellular organisms began to form, fish, amphibians, reptiles and then mammals

10. A river delta forms at the mouth of a river where it enters a larger body of water. Usually the delta is shaped like a triangle.What process causes delta formation?

1 point
wave action
erosion of the river bank
the movement of the tides
deposition of sediments

Deposition of sediments causes delta formation.

11. A coral reef has thrived near a coastline for thousands of years. Over the last decade, climate change has caused sea levels to rise. The coral reef is now deeper under water. Which sentence accurately describes the effects of this change? Select the two correct answers.

1 point
The coastline now has more protection against erosion.
The coral reef now has more protection against deposition.
The coastline now has less protection against erosion.
The coral reef now has less protection against deposition.

The coastline now has less protection against erosion.

The coral reef now has less protection against deposition.

12. What is the role of water in the chemical weathering of rock?

1 point
It combines chemicals in the rock with carbon.
It dissolves rock in the chemical weathering process.
It aids in changing the chemical composition of rock.
It causes small pieces of rock to adhere together.

It dissolves rock in the chemical weathering process.

13. Which is an example of chemical weathering?

1 point
decomposition of rock when exposed to acidic plants
burrowing animals digging a home in rock
rock breaking apart during a rock slide
a crack in rock growing larger as water freezes in it