Jennie is making popcorn. The recipe calls for 1\2 cup of butter 3 tablespoons of kernels and 1 teaspoon of salt if she uses 10 tablespoons of kernels how much butter

will she use?

To find out, we can set up a proportion:

3 tablespoons of kernels = 1/2 cup of butter

Let x be the amount of butter used in 10 tablespoons of kernels.

x/10 = (1/2) / 3

Simplifying the right side of the equation:

x/10 = 1/6

Multiplying both sides by 10:

x = 10/6

Simplifying the fraction:

x = 5/3

Therefore, Jennie will use 5/3 cups of butter if she uses 10 tablespoons of kernels.