How could a 15-year-old high school student participate in civic life?

A campaign for a candidatecampaign for a candidate
B take a college entrance examtake a college entrance exam
C register for selective service

D Join a youth activist organization or club

E Volunteer for a political campaign or local community organization
F Attend local government meetings or town hall events and voice opinions or concerns
G Write letters or emails to elected officials about issues of importance
H Start or join a student-led club or organization focused on social or political issues
I Engage in community service projects that address local issues or concerns
J Participate in youth leadership programs or workshops focused on civic engagement
K Participate in student government or run for a position in school leadership
L Organize or participate in peaceful protests or demonstrations related to causes they believe in
M Collaborate with other students to implement positive change in their school or community
N Participate in mock trials or debates to learn about the legal system and practice critical thinking skills
O Research and educate themselves on local, national, or global issues to be informed citizens.