which is a prepositional pharse? voluntary muscles, which help move, are joined to your bones. i think its which help you move. identify the object of the preposition. riding the bus one day, rosa parks made an important step toward equal rights. i think its the bus or important step.im going for important step. please correct if wrong.

Which help you move is an adjective clause... a prepositional phrase begins with a preposition...

I always used the example any word that will show the relationship between a rabbit .... a hill. (on, under, by, etc) So what would be the prepositional phrase there?

Important step is not in the prepositional phrase.

In the sentence "Voluntary muscles, which help move, are joined to your bones," the prepositional phrase is "which help move." To identify the object of the preposition in this case, we need to look for the word that directly follows the preposition "to." However, in this sentence, there is no preposition that directly precedes "to," so there is no object of the preposition.

In the sentence "Riding the bus one day, Rosa Parks made an important step toward equal rights," the prepositional phrase is "riding the bus." The object of the preposition is the word or phrase that follows the preposition, in this case, "the bus."

Therefore, you are correct. The object of the preposition in the second sentence is "the bus." Well done!