A political cartoon shows a snake that has been split into eight labeled portions, along with the words Join, or Die.The portions of the snake are labeled as follows, from tail to head.

What was the purpose of the political cartoon?

The purpose of the political cartoon was to unite the American colonies during the time of the French and Indian War. The cartoon was published by Benjamin Franklin in 1754 and aimed to persuade the colonies to unite against their common enemy. The snake represents the colonies, and the labels on the portions represent specific colonies. The message "Join, or Die" conveys the idea that the colonies must unite in order to survive and protect themselves against external threats.


I apologize for any confusion. Can you please provide more information or context about the cartoon or specify which political cartoon you are referring to? This will help me provide a more accurate answer to your question.

A political cartoon shows a snake that has been split into eight labeled portions, along with the words Join, or Die.The portions of the snake are labeled as follows, from tail to head.

What was the purpose of the political cartoon? (1 point)

to describe how the colonies were different
to describe how the colonies were different

to show the order in which the colonies were settled
to show the order in which the colonies were settled

to warn the colonies to join together or be conquered
to warn the colonies to join together or be conquered

to show the colonies that they could be overtaken by a larger country

Apologies for the previous incorrect response. The purpose of the political cartoon "Join, or Die" was to warn the colonies to join together or be conquered. The cartoon, created by Benjamin Franklin in 1754, aimed to encourage the American colonies to unite in the face of common threats and challenges. The snake symbolizes the colonies and is divided into eight sections representing specific regions. The message "Join, or Die" serves as a call to action for the colonies to unite for their mutual survival and protection against external forces.

The purpose of the political cartoon "Join, or Die" was to convey the importance of unity and collaboration among the colonies during the time of the American Revolution. It was created by Benjamin Franklin and published in the Pennsylvania Gazette in 1754, with the aim of rallying support for a unified front against the French during the French and Indian War. The cartoon depicts a snake, representing the colonies, divided into eight labeled portions. Each portion represents a specific colony, listed from tail to head as S.C. (South Carolina), N.C. (North Carolina), V. (Virginia), M. (Maryland), P. (Pennsylvania), N.J. (New Jersey), N.Y. (New York), and N.E. (New England).

The image of the severed snake served as a metaphor for the disunity and vulnerability of the colonies against external threats. It was a call to action, urging the colonies to unite in order to ensure their survival and success. The words "Join, or Die" next to the image emphasized the urgent need for collaboration and solidarity among the colonies. This cartoon was a precursor to the idea of American unity and was later adopted as a symbol for the colonists' struggle for independence against the British.