a→=5i+7j and b→=13i+17j then the evaluation of a→×b→ is

To find the cross product of two vectors, we can use the formula:

a→ × b→ = (a1 * b2 - a2 * b1)k

where a1, a2 are the components of vector a→ and b1, b2 are the components of vector b→, and k is the unit vector in the z-direction.

In this case, a→ = 5i + 7j and b→ = 13i + 17j.

a1 = 5
a2 = 7
b1 = 13
b2 = 17

Plugging these values into the cross product formula:

a→ × b→ = (5 * 17 - 7 * 13)k
= (85 - 91)k
= -6k

Therefore, the evaluation of a→ × b→ is -6k.