Two main structures of database

There are two main structures of a database:

1. Relational Database: In a relational database, data is organized into tables that consist of rows and columns. Each row represents a record or a tuple, while each column represents a specific attribute or a field. Tables are related to each other through key relationships, such as primary keys and foreign keys, which establish connections between different tables. This structure is widely used in most traditional databases, allowing for efficient storage and retrieval of data.

2. Object-oriented Database: In an object-oriented database, data is represented in the form of objects and classes, similar to object-oriented programming. Objects encapsulate both data and behavior, allowing for more complex data modeling and manipulation. This structure is beneficial for applications that require handling complex data with complex relationships, as it enables flexible and dynamic storage of data. Object-oriented databases are commonly used in object-oriented programming languages, such as Java.