A man uses 100kg roller on a level surface and exert a force of 196N at 45 degree on the ground. The vertical force on the ground 1. If pulls and 2. If he pushes

1. If he pulls:

The vertical force on the ground can be found using the formula:

F_vertical = F_applied * sin(theta)

F_applied = the force applied by the man (196N)
theta = the angle between the force applied and the horizontal surface (45 degrees)

F_vertical = 196N * sin(45 degrees)
= 196N * 0.707
= 138.172N

Therefore, the vertical force on the ground when he pulls is approximately 138.172N.

2. If he pushes:
When he pushes, the angle between the force applied and the horizontal surface will be 180 degrees (opposite direction).

Therefore, the vertical force on the ground when he pushes will be the negative of the previous result:

F_vertical = -138.172N

Therefore, the vertical force on the ground when he pushes is approximately -138.172N.