What type of programming is python known to support

Python is known to support a variety of programming paradigms, including:

1. Procedural programming: Python includes support for procedural programming, where code is organized into procedures or functions.

2. Object-oriented programming (OOP): Python has extensive support for OOP, allowing the creation of classes, objects, inheritance, polymorphism, and encapsulation.

3. Functional programming: Python supports functional programming concepts, such as higher-order functions, anonymous functions (also known as lambda functions), and immutable data structures.

4. Imperative programming: Python allows imperative programming, which involves writing code that describes step-by-step how a program should execute.

5. Dynamic programming: Python is a dynamically typed language, meaning that variable types do not need to be declared explicitly and can be changed dynamically during runtime.

6. Scripting: Python is often used for scripting tasks, enabling quick and efficient execution of repetitive or automated tasks.

7. Web development: Python offers frameworks and libraries, such as Django and Flask, that make it popular for web development.

8. Data analysis and scientific computing: Python has numerous libraries, like NumPy, Pandas, and SciPy, which make it suitable for data analysis, scientific computing, and machine learning.

9. Artificial intelligence and machine learning: Python has gained significant popularity in the fields of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) due to its simplicity and availability of libraries like TensorFlow, Keras, and PyTorch.