1. A square garden has the end points listed below. Plot and label these points on the grid: a. A(- 7, 6) b. B(- 2, - 6) c. C(10,- 1) d. D(P, 11) 2. Connect the points to create Square ABCD.

To plot the points on a grid, we need to first understand the coordinate plane. The x-axis represents the horizontal direction, while the y-axis represents the vertical direction.

1. Plotting the points:
a. A(-7, 6):
To plot point A, we move 7 units to the left in the x-direction and 6 units up in the y-direction from the origin (0,0).
Plotted point A: (-7, 6)

b. B(-2, -6):
To plot point B, we move 2 units to the left in the x-direction and 6 units down in the y-direction from the origin (0,0).
Plotted point B: (-2, -6)

c. C(10, -1):
To plot point C, we move 10 units to the right in the x-direction and 1 unit down in the y-direction from the origin (0,0).
Plotted point C: (10, -1)

d. D(P, 11):
To plot point D, we need the x-coordinate, which is not provided. The y-coordinate is given as 11.
Without the x-coordinate, we cannot determine the exact location of point D.

2. Connecting the points to create Square ABCD:
Unfortunately, since the x-coordinate for point D is missing, we cannot determine the exact shape or position of the square ABCD.