Read the following paragraph from No Witchcraft for Sale. Now, when such a thing happens on a farmit cannot be long before everyone hears of itand Mrs. Farquar told their neighbors, and the story was discussed from one end of the district to the otherThe bush is full of secrets. No one can live in Africa, or at least on the veld, without leaming very soon that there is an ancient wisdom of leaf and soil and season andperhaps most important of all, of the darker tracts of the human mindwhich is the black man's heritageUp and down the district people were telling anecdotes, reminding each other of things that had happened to them Which of the following sentences most effectively paraphrases the ideas in this paragraph? point) and Mrs. Farquar spread the rumor of what had happened on their The white farmers were surprised but their servants were not Soonand Farquars neighbors learned of what had happened on their farm While the the mysteries of the veld the district residents shared this tale and other personal The of what had happened on the farm spread quickly throughout the Everyone that the to hide Everyone heard about what had happened on Mr. and Mrs. Farquar's because gossip spreads The of and held were by local these secrets to share srange things that they had and experienced

The story of what happened on the farm quickly spread among the neighbors, and people in the district began telling their own anecdotes and sharing their own experiences of strange things.