Which is one criterion a writer should use when evaluating a source? (1 point)

• its relevance
• its creativity
• how realistic it is
• how interesting it is

its relevance

When supporting a claim, which phrase describes a credible source? (1 point)

one that contains
O opinions backed by evidence
one that can be trusted to have accurate information
one that includes an opposing claim
one that provides support for an argument

one that can be trusted to have accurate information

When evaluating a source as a writer, one important criterion to consider is its relevance. Relevance refers to how closely the information provided in the source aligns with the topic or subject you are writing about. To determine the relevance of a source, you can follow these steps:

1. Identify your research question or topic: Clearly understand the purpose and focus of your writing, such as the specific subject or theme you need to address.

2. Read the abstract or summary: Begin by reviewing the abstract or summary of the source, typically found at the beginning of academic articles or the back cover of books. This will provide an overview of the main arguments or topics covered in the source.

3. Skim through the content: Look through the introduction, headings, subheadings, and conclusion of the source to get an idea of the main ideas discussed. Pay attention to any keywords or phrases that connect to your research question or topic.

4. Assess the source's content: Read meticulously the sections that are relevant to your research question. Evaluate the information presented and determine if it directly addresses or supports your topic. Analyze the source's arguments, evidence, and examples to ensure they align with your writing's purpose.

5. Consider the credibility and authority: Alongside relevance, assess the credibility and authority of the author or organization responsible for the source. Check the author's qualifications, check if the source is peer-reviewed or published by a reputable institution, and verify if the information is up-to-date.

Remember, the relevance of a source is crucial as it helps to ensure that the information you include in your writing is directly applicable and contributes to the overall quality and reliability of your work.