Rachel is training for a cycling tournament. She can bike 2 1/4 miles in 1/5 of an hour. At this rate, how many miles can she bike in 1 1/3 hour

To find the number of miles Rachel can bike in 1 1/3 hour, we need to multiply her speed by the amount of time in hours she bikes.

To convert 1 1/3 hour into a fraction, we multiply the whole number by the denominator and add it to the numerator, like this: 1 * 3 + 1 = <<1*3+1=4>>4.
So, 1 1/3 hour is equal to 4/3 hour.
To find the number of miles Rachel can bike in 1 1/3 hour, we multiply 2 1/4 miles by 4/3 hour: (2 1/4) * (4/3) = (9/4) * (4/3) = <<(9/4)*(4/3)=3>>3 miles. Answer: \boxed{3}.