Grace ran a 26 mile marathon in 4 hours. How far did Grace run in 1.5 hours?

To find how far Grace ran in 1.5 hours, we can set up a ratio using the information from the question.

We know that Grace ran 26 miles in 4 hours, so the ratio of distance to time is 26 miles / 4 hours.

To find how far Grace ran in 1.5 hours, we can set up a proportion:

26 miles / 4 hours = x miles / 1.5 hours

Cross multiplying, we get:

4 hours * x miles = 26 miles * 1.5 hours

4x = 39

Dividing both sides by 4, we get:

x = 39 / 4

x = 9.75

Therefore, Grace ran 9.75 miles in 1.5 hours.