Simplify 4x + 8x using the properties of operations.

A. 12x

B. 4 + 8x

C. 12x²

D. 4x + 8

The simplified form of 4x + 8x is B. 4 + 8x.

Choose A., B., C., or D.

I apologize for the previous response. The correct simplified form of 4x + 8x is D. 4x + 8.

Simplify 9g - 7h- 6g- + 2h.

A. 2gh - 4gh

B. 3g - 5h

C. -2gh

D. 3g + 5h

To simplify 9g - 7h - 6g + 2h, we can combine like terms:

9g - 6g - 7h + 2h

(9g - 6g) + (-7h + 2h)

3g - 5h

Therefore, the simplified form is B. 3g - 5h.

To simplify the expression 4x + 8x, we can combine the like terms by adding the coefficients of x.

Like terms are terms that have the same variable, in this case, x.

So, 4x + 8x can be simplified as (4 + 8)x.

Adding 4 and 8 gives us 12, so the expression simplifies to 12x.

Therefore, the correct answer is A. 12x.